The Bacteriology team has deep expertise in investigating diseases caused by bacterial, fungal and oomycete pathogens of fish, molluscs and crustaceans. We deploy a combination of phenotypic and molecular methods (including use of whole genome sequencing based approaches) to describe known and emergent pathogens.
We also have the capabilities and capacities to culture and then store agents in our extensive bacterial, fungal and oomycete culture collections, to use as references for future comparative studies and investigations. These collections have isolates dating back more than 40 years from many different countries and species.
A major focus of the team is on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in aquaculture and the wider aquatic environment. We deliver this through our complementary designation as the UK FAO Reference Centre for AMR, in conjunction with the UK's Animal and Plant Health Agency and Veterinary Medicines Directorate, with support from the UK’s Fleming Fund and other sources. We also deliver training in developing and implementing AMR and AMU surveillance systems in partner countries.

David Verner-Jeffreys