Our Science
Through our science we make a difference by providing the evidence needed to work towards a sustainable blue future.

Working for a sustainable blue future

Working for a sustainable blue future
Marine monitoring
Ocean and coastal processes
Ecosystem understanding
Marine biodiversity
Aquatic animal health
Emergency response
Climate change
Valuing nature
Assessment and advice
Sustainable fisheries
Seafood safety
Technology and data
Collaborating and applied research

Marine monitoring
Keeping our seas clean and healthy by monitoring and measuring water quality and pollution

Ocean and coastal processes
Assessing the physical and biochemical factors impacting seas and coastlines

Ecosystem understanding
Understanding the roles of marine ecosystems and their functions

Marine biodiversity
Mapping and understanding habitats and species in our seas to assess their vulnerability to human pressures

Aquatic animal health
Maintaining the health of wild and farmed seafood to minimise economic loss and maximise global aquatic food security

Emergency response
Providing expertise in the event of oil, chemical or radioactive leaks or disease outbreaks

Assessment and advice
Providing advice on the sustainable management of marine and freshwater resources

Sustainable fisheries
Ensuring there are fish in our seas and rivers for future generations

Seafood safety
Understanding and controlling human health risks associated with aquatic food consumption

Technology and data
Using technology to collect, analyse, use and re-use scientific data

Collaborating and applied research
Our partnerships, research and innovative applications of science ensure we are on the cutting edge of marine and aquatic science
Our Science