Dr Hannah Tidbury
Marine Scientist - Ecology, Epidemiology
Dr Hannah Tidbury has broad experience in the fields of ecology, evolution and epidemiology. As lead of the marine non-native species work at Cefas and a member of the ecology and epidemiology team her current research focusses on aquatic animal health and non-native species. In particular, her research applies both theoretical and practical approaches in order to assess risk, and evaluate and develop mitigation and management approaches in relation to pathogens, parasites and non-native species. Climate change, in particular the impact of temperature increase, is a key consideration in her research. She is currently leading work to evaluate the risk of survival of ornamental aquatic species and potential disease emergence events associated with future climate scenarios. In addition, she is leading work applying population modelling to assess the impact of future climate scenarios on the persistence of non-native species and the success of their management.
Research publications: Google Scholar
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