Dr John Pinnegar
Director of the International Marine Climate Change Centre - Principal Scientist
John is a Principal Scientist and Lead Advisor on climate change at Cefas. John is director of the International Marine Climate Change Centre (iMC3). He is also director of the Collaborative Centre for Sustainable Use of the Seas (CCSUS), a joint initiative between Cefas and the University of East Anglia, and he is a co-chair of the ICES/PICES Strategic Initiative on Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (SICCME). He will be a lead author for the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2021. Dr Pinnegar’s research interests include long-term changes in marine ecosystems, the impacts of future climate change and ocean acidification on marine animal populations, as well as marine food-webs and fisheries modelling. He has a particular interest in the development of socio-political scenarios for the oceans as well as public understanding of maritime climate change issues. John has worked all around the world including, most recently in a number of Caribbean and Indian Ocean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). He plays a leading role in the EU Horizon 2020 Project ‘CERES’ (Climate change & European aquatic RESources).
Research publications: Google Scholar
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