Dr Clement Garcia


I am a qualified and experienced marine ecologist with a primary interest on the links between natural communities and ecosystem processes. Specifically, my research focuses on the understanding of the functional role of the seabed and how it influences the global marine ecosystem across space and through time under various external natural or man-made forcing. In so doing, I have developed an expertise in ecological modelling and numerical analysis of ecological data with a specific focus on functional trait-based approach; the applications of which have significantly contributed to the understanding of the human impacts on the seabed (fishing, climate change, renewables). My main role is to initiate and develop new scientific projects in the field of marine ecology and ecosystem sciences related to the sustainable use of the marine environment from contrasting man-made activities. I am regularly PI or WP-lead of 2 to 4 projects a year and have supervised or advised on over 10 PhD or Master projects whose objectives have been centred around predicting ecosystem futures integrating natural and anthropogenic drivers. I have published over 20 and many technical and non-technical reports contributing significantly to the understanding of anthropogenic impacts on the seabed functioning encompassing fishing impact (e.g., EU BENTHIS, NERC SSB), climate change (FutureMARES, NERC Ecosystem Future) presence of hard structure (INSITE phase I and II) and cumulative impacts (marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment). Through my work I have helped supplying an evidence base to advise Defra, MMO, JNCC, Natural England, UKRI, the EU and overseas governments.

Research publications: Google Scholar

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