Dr Naomi Greenwood


Naomi obtained her PhD from the University of East Anglia in 2001 and she has nearly twenty years experience in undertaking research in UK and European research and monitoring programmes. She used high frequency data from in situ observing systems (SmartBuoy, Ferrybox, remote sensing) and ship-based experiments to investigate biogeochemical cycling with the coastal and marine environment. Naomi also carried out sampling from RV Cefas Endeavour to investigate the spatial and temporal variability and controls on the marine carbonate system in UK shelf seas. She is interested in understanding and quantifying the controls of oxygen in shelf seas and the potential impacts of climate change on these processes.

Naomi has been an investigator on several NERC projects, including UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme, Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry and AlterEco. She is an honorary lecturer in the School of Environmental Sciences at UEA where cNaomi co-supervises several PhD students and she is a theme lead for Ecosystem and Coastal Processes at the Collaborative Centre for Sustainable Use of the Seas.

Research publications: Google Scholar and ResearchGate

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