Dr Ruth Parker


Dr Ruth Parker is a biogeochemist with >20 years research experience and has published >40 peer reviewed papers on field observations and modelling approaches in shelf sea biogeochemistry. Her recent research has focused on improved understanding of carbon and nutrient flows through the marine shelf ecosystem, particularly the seabed and how ecosystem scale human activities (trawling, acute/chronic) and climate (temperature, stratification changes, storms) can affect or un-couple these flows. She has recently been a science lead on several large and interdisciplinary, multiorganization Defra projects on seabed biogeochemical functioning and impact and is PI for Defras legacy and added-value in monitoring projects which ensures timely uptake and communication of NERC programme science. She has recently led ‘Blue Carbon’ components within these projects and is interested in examining the role of the shelf system in sequestering carbon and how management measures and governance considerations may be beneficial to protect existing stocks. She has co-convened international sessions on ‘Blue carbon management’ and been an invited speaker at various blue carbon meetings, including attending the International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group. She is also a grant and fellowship reviewer for NERC and for various US research programmes on biogeochemical topics. Ruth is also a Cefas Science Theme Lead for 'Ecosystem Change and Variability'.

Research publications: Google Scholar

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