Freya Goodsir


Freya Goodsir has a background in the development of ecotoxicological and molecular techniques to support biological effects assessment.
She has more than twelve years experience in leading and publishing research and science related to the risks and impacts from human activities and their pressures to the marine environment. Freya has worked on a diverse portfolio multidisciplinary research and development projects associated to ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning. Freya leads the science and methodological development for onā€site environmental surveys, as well as environmental desk-based assessments towards assessing the pollution risk posed by shipwreck and other sources of pollution in the marine environment. Freya currently plans and coordinates the survey delivery element of the Clean Seas Environmental Monitoring Programme which focuses on chemical contamination and eutrophication. Freya leads the Marine Pollution Emergency Response for Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) to support partner countries towards capacity building and preparedness in marine pollution emergency response. She also forms part of the emergency response (ER) team within Cefas where she provides advice to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) on pollution reports for English Waters and delivers post spill monitoring and impact assessment advice under the Premiam initiative. Freya has a strong comprehension and appreciation of national and international challenges and obligations to ensure the wellbeing of aquatic environments and the commitment required to safeguard the sustainable use of natural assets (sustainable blue growth).