Tammy Noble-James


Tammy has over 15 years experience working with Government, industry and NGOs to conserve marine habitats and species. Having worked extensively in marine and coastal environments, Tammy has a wide range of field and scientific skills, including survey design, planning and leadership, sampling using numerous gears, statistical analysis and scientific writing. She also has substantial experience in stakeholder engagement, partnership working, relationship building and programme leadership within the UK marine conservation space. As Principal Investigator for the Cefas Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Monitoring Programme she works closely with Government partners to lead benthic monitoring activities within English MPAs, also consulting on the designation and monitoring of the developing Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA) network. Her interest and experience in the marine conservation science-policy interface has recently driven her to develop a part-time PhD by publication candidacy. Her PhD aims to contribute towards answering the question ‘How can recovery towards, or maintenance in, the desired conservation status be demonstrated?’ and builds on the national marine benthic monitoring guidance she published during her time at the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). In recent years she has used her UK expertise in international Government-funded capacity building projects; delivering training and advice to colleagues in the Caribbean and South Africa, working with Maldives Government and stakeholders to develop MPA management, research and monitoring processes as part of the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP), developing monitoring guidance for Tristan Da Cunha inshore fisheries and supporting the Global Ocean Wildlife Analysis Network (GOWAN) under the Blue Belt Programme. She is an active member of the ICES international Working Group on Marine Protected Areas, regularly presents her work at international conferences and delivers annual lectures to undergraduate students at the University of East Anglia.

Research publications: ResearchGate

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