Senegal training workshop on Risk Profiling and Sanitation of Bivalve Molluscs, February 2023

Delegates at the Senegal Training Workshop
The training workshop on risk profiling and sanitation of bivalve molluscs for Senegal was held at the Royal Horizon Baobab Hotel in Somone, Senegal on the 21st -23rd February 2023. The workshop was jointly hosted by the FAO Reference Centre for Bivalve Mollusc Sanitation, Cefas and the FAO Regional Office for Africa. In addition to experts from the FAO Reference Centre and the FAO offices for Africa, West Africa and Senegal, the workshop was attended by more than 30 delegates from across Senegal, representing National and Local Government Agencies and the bivalve production industry.
French and English language versions of a report detailing the topics covered in the training workshop are available on this website. We have also made the presentations from the workshop available (French and English language versions).