About Us
Our work tackles the serious global problems of climate change, marine litter, over-fishing and pollution to secure a sustainable blue future for all.
What we do
We are the government’s marine and freshwater science experts. We help keep our seas, oceans and rivers healthy and productive and our seafood safe and sustainable by providing data and advice to the UK government and our overseas partners.
Discover What We Do
Where we work
Our People
Our people are experts in their fields and passionate about applying their experience and knowledge to improve our understanding of the marine and aquatic environments. We take pride in making a difference. Our shared values commit to working with objectivity, honesty and impartiality. We champion equality, diversity, inclusivity and well-being. Professional and personal development is integral to our success.
PeopleOur History
Cefas' origins date back to 1902 when a small fisheries laboratory was established in Lowestoft.
Discover Our History