Dr Tiziana Luisetti
Principal Environmental Economist/Honorary Senior Lecturer at UEA
Tiziana leads the environmental economics area at Cefas; she is a senior environmental economist specialised in coastal and marine ecosystem services valuation and management. Lately Tiziana has been extensively working on national natural capital accounts for the UK and Small Islands Developing States.

Tiziana joined Cefas in 2012 as a principal environmental economist where she leads the environmental and ecological economics area coordinating the provision of advice and science related to the economics of the coastal and marine environment mainly to the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), but also to Commonwealth Small Island Developing States (SIDS) within specific projects (e.g. Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme).
Tiziana has more than ten-year experience in the field built working in a number of interdisciplinary projects in the UK and across Europe, for example: UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UKNEA) (2011), and UKNEA Follow-on (2014); Valuing Nature Network (VNN); UK Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry Program (SSB) for which she led Module 3 ‘blue carbon accounting’ for Work Package 5; various EU FP7 and Interreg projects within which she explored several ecosystem services valuation and management issues; in particular, intertidal habitat re-creation, ‘blue’ carbon, but also the welfare impacts of jellyfish blooms and invasive/non-native species, and more recently marine litter – Tiziana is leading the economics module of WP4 in the CleanAtlantic Interreg project. Tiziana has an interdisciplinary approach to her research working with natural and social scientists, and economists with different specialisms. Tiziana is interested in the economics and governance of marine common pool resources, as well as sustainable development, and development and behavioural economics issues.
Tiziana is also honorary lecturer at the University of East Anglia, and CSERGE research fellow, where she co-supervises the research of PhD students and had taught to undergraduate and post-graduate students. Tiziana leads the ‘Marine systems and society’ theme for the Collaborative Centre for Sustainable Use of the Seas (CCSUS) hosted in the School of Environmental Sciences and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at UEA.
Google scholar: Tiziana Luisetti - Google Scholar
Selected publications include:
Climate action requires new accounting guidance and governance frameworks to manage carbon in shelf seas T Luisetti, S Ferrini, G Grilli, TD Jickells, H Kennedy, S Kröger, I Lorenzoni, ... Nature communications 11 (1), 1-10
Costs and carbon benefits of mangrove conservation and restoration: a global analysis CC Jakovac, AE Latawiec, E Lacerda, IL Lucas, KA Korys, A Iribarrem, ... Ecological Economics 176, 106758
Coastal and marine ecosystem services valuation for policy and management: Managed realignment case studies in England T Luisetti, RK Turner, IJ Bateman, S Morse-Jones, C Adams, L Fonseca. Ocean & Coastal Management 54 (3), 212-224