Dr Tony Dolphin
Principal Coastal Geomorphologist
My current work focus is around the morphodynamics of composite mixed sand and gravel beaches. We use small survey-grade autonomous aircraft (drones) and vessels (for very shallow water surveys), Radio Frequency ID tracers and numerical models to improve our understanding of how these systems function.

With 18 years’ experience since his first post-doctoral research associate post, Tony’s academic and professional interests stem from physical geography in the coastal and marine environment and PhD / post-doctoral research focussed on waves, sediment transport and geomorphic response to structures and sand mining. Tony has authored 41 peer-reviewed papers (led 14) and 51 consulting reports (led 27)
At CEFAS he has applied his scientific knowledge to assessing proposed developments and behalf of the marine regulator and new build nuclear power station developers. He has developed evidence needed for successful delivery of EIAs, including the use of novel methods and approaches to solve non-standard problems (e.g., X-band radar, early use of drones for geomorphic and ecological monitoring in 2015).
He is a scientific advisor to UK/overseas governments and industry and develops science strategy and research in coastal ecology and fisheries. He is a PhD supervisor, mentor and was a member of the NERC iCoasst and EPSRC Arcoes steering committees. His work has been funded by EU, UKRI (NERC, EPSRC), Defra, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, commercial and internal investment.
Google scholar link: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=aM1ps2UAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/T-Dolphin
Selected Publications:
- Dolphin, T., Burningham, H., Sifnioti, D., Manning, W., Wallbridge, S. and Farcas, A., 2020. Mixed Sand/Gravel Beach Response to the Beast from the East Storms. Journal of Coastal Research, 95, 463 – 467.
- Dolphin, T., Lee, J., Phillips, R., Taylor, C.J.L. and Dyer, K.R., 2016. Velocity of RFID tagged gravel in a nonuniform longshore transport system. Journal of Coastal Research, 75, 363-367.
- Dolphin, T.J., Vincent, C.E., Bacon, J.C., Dumont, E., and Terentjeva, A., 2012. Decadal-scale impacts of a segmented, shore-parallel breakwater system. Coastal Engineering, 66, 24-34. doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.03.004
- Dolphin, T.J. and Vincent, C.E., 2009. The Influence of Bed Forms on Reference Concentration and Suspension under Waves and Currents. Continental Shelf Research, 29 (2009), 424 – 432.