Downloads and useful links
OCNS and OSPAR documents, forms and guidelines
- Definitive Ranked Lists of Registered Products
- Generic templates: PDF file containing generic templates to cover chemicals that are generated in situ on offshore installations
- Criteria for accepting alternative toxicity data to support an HOCNF application (PDF, 13.9 KB)
This downloadable file gives the criteria that data must meet in order for it to be acceptable under the Offshore Chemical Notification Scheme. - Netherlands OCNS Protocol
- OSPAR documents
- OSPAR List of chemicals for priority action
- OSPAR List of substances of possible concern
- Guidelines for completing the Harmonised Offshore Chemical Notification Format (HOCNF)
- Blank HOCNF form (PDF, 233 KB)
- Blank HOCNF Form (Word, 328KB)
- OSPAR Recommendation 2017/1 on a Harmonised Pre-Screening Scheme for Offshore Chemicals
- OSPAR 2002-06 - Common Interpretation on which Chemicals are Covered and not Covered by the Harmonised Mandatory Control System under OSPAR Decision 2000/2 (PDF, 100 KB)
- OSPAR List of Substances Used and Discharged Offshore which Are Considered to Pose Little or No Risk to the Environment (PLONOR) (PDF, 268 KB, update 2021)
- QSAR documents
- Letter of Access Documents
- Laboratory guidance document
Useful links
- OSPAR: Oslo and Paris Commission
- UK: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
- UK: Government services and information
- Marine Scotland
- Netherlands: State Supervision of Mines (SSM)
- Dutch Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association (NOGEPA)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Includes OECD guidelines for the testing of chemicals - European Oilfield Specialty Chemicals Association
- Health and Safety Executive
Contains useful information about the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)