Publication Abstract
- Title
Mackerel, Scomber scombrus, otolith LI measurement as a method of stock separation
- Publication Abstract
The amount of growth in the first year can be measured from the otolith L1. This difference in first-year growth has been associated with the difference in the peak spawning times between the North Sea and Western mackerel stocks. These differences in growth are analysed, and their suitability considered for stock separation when catches are taken in areas where the two stocks are known to be mixing. First-year growth has always been shown to vary between year classes. Prior to 1974, first-year growth was significantly greater for the Western stock than for the North Sea stock. Since 1974 the amount of growth in the first year has been the same or larger for the North Sea stock. The changes in growth of the North Sea fish have been linked with density dependence.
- Publication Internet Address of the Data
- Publication Authors
W.A. Dawson*
- Publication Date
- January 1991
- Publication Reference
Journal of the Conseil International de l'Exploration de laMer, 47(3): 303-317
- Publication DOI: