Publication Abstract
- Title
Mesh selection of the copepodite and nauplius stages of four copedod species
- Publication Abstract
Mesh selection of the copepodite and nauplius stages of four copedod species
J.H. Nichols and A.B. Thompson
High-speed plankton nets, using mesh sizes of 61, 90, 124, 190 and 270 mu m, were deployed in the North Sea to catch Calanus spp., Pseudocalanus minutus, Paracalanus parvus and Temora longicornis. These species were identified to their nauplii, copepodite and adult stages, and the numbers caught in each stage were converted to numbers/m3 seawater filtered. The width and length of a representative sample of each stage was measured, and the proportion caught by the different mesh sizes is presented. The selection pattern was described by a mathematical model, which showed that a mesh size of 75% of the copepod carapace width catches similar to 95% of the individuals of that size present in the seawater. Some recommendations for mesh sizes required to sample copepods are given.
J.H. Nichols and A.B. Thompson, 1991. Mesh selection of the copepodite and nauplius stages of four copedod species. Journal of Plankton Research, 13: 661-671.
- Publication Internet Address of the Data
- Publication Authors
J.H. Nichols* and A.B. Thompson*
- Publication Date
- January 1991
- Publication Reference
Journal of Plankton Research, 13: 661-671
- Publication DOI: