Publication Abstract

Techniques for the production of juvenile lobsters (Homarus gammarus (L.))
Publication Abstract

abdomen about above academic accept acclimate acclimation accomplished according accumulated accuracy accurate accurately achieved acid acting activated active activity adapted added addition additions addressed adequate adjusted advanced advised aerated aeration afternoon again against agents agriculture al-hajj aligned aliquot alkali allow allowed allowing almost along also altering although always ammonia ammonium amount analysing anchor anchors angle angles animals annex annual anon another anterior-posteriorly antibiotics apart apparatus apparatus: apparent appear appeared appendages appendix approach appropriate approximately april/july aquacult aquaculture’ aquarist ‘aquarium aquatic arched area areas arise arm; around arrangement arrival artemia aspects association attached attachment attention authorities authority authors: automatic automatically autotomy available average avoid await axis b1-10 back back-flushing backwards bacterial baffles baffles; bannister base based batch batches bath batteries battery-powered beard bearing because began beginning behaviour belgium below benarth best beyond binocular bins biofilter biological black bleach bleach; bleaching bled bleed block blockage blocks blocks; board body bolts boost bored bottom bottomed bought boulders bound boxes box-sectioned breaking bridlington briefly brine britain broke broken broodstock brushed brushes bucket building buildings built burrow cage calculated cannibalism capable capacities capacity captive captivity carapace carbon cardigan carried carry case casings cast catches cause causes centrally centrifugal cephalothorax change changes channel channelling chart chartered check checked chelae chemical chlorine chosen circuit circular circulated circulating circulation citrate clamped clarity; claw claws clean cleaned cleaning clutches coated cobbles cold cold-worked collect collected collection colour column column; columns combined commercial committee communication compartment compartments complementary complete components composition concentrated concentration concrete condensation condition conditioned conditioning conditions conducted conducting conduit conference confined conical- conicallybottomed connected connector consecutive considerable considerations consisted consistent consists construed contact contained containers containing contamination content contents continual continually continuous control controlled conwy conwy; cooling copyright corner correctly corresponds corrosion corrugated could count counted covered crangon–stored crevices criteria critical criticism crown crusher cult culture cultured cultures current curved cycle cylinders cylindrical cystic cysts cysts: daily damage damaging damp dans daylight days’ debris decapsulate decapsulated decapsulation deciding deck deep deep-freeze deliberately deliver delivered delivering demand densities deposited depth described describes design designed desirable desire details detection detector detritus developed development device diagonally diagram diagrams diameter dictated diet dietary differences different diffuser dilute dilution dimensions dipping direct directly directorate disc discharged diseasefree dismantle dispense dissolve dissolved distinguished distinguishing distributed distribution distributor diver divers diver’s diving dorsal down downward drain drainpipe drawn drift drifted drive duration during dyfed earlier early easily eaten echo edge edges edwards effective effects effluent; egg-bearing eggs eighteen-channel either ejected electric elevated elongated elsewhere emerged employed empty encountered encourage encouraged endorsement engng enhancement enough ensure ensured entered equal equation equipment erratic escaped escapes especially essential essentially estimate estimated estuary estuary; even evenly every examined example examples except exchange existing experience experienced experimentation experiments exposed exposing exposure extended extending eyes fabric facilities factors failure fall fallen farm farmer fastened feasibility february/march feed feeder feeding feeds fell female females fibre fifth figure filled filling filter filter; filtered filterpak filters filters; final fingers firmly first fish fisheries fishery fishg fitted fittings five fixed flesh flexible float floating floor flow flow; flowed fluctuating fluorescent flushed flushing foam foamer following follows: food forefinger formed former forth fortnight forwards found four fourth fractionation fragments frame freeze frequency fresh freshly front frozen full ‘full’ further gaffkaemia gained gammarus gave geared generally gently ghent glass glued gonadal good governed grade gram gravity great grew grey grinder ground grounds growths grp; gwynedd h-1; habitats half hand handling harbour harvested harvesting hatch hatched hatcheries hatchery hatchery-reared hatching hawkins head header healthy heat heated heater heaters heavy-duty held helm help herb hides hierarchy high higher high-rate history holding hole homarus hopper hopper; hoppers horizontal horizontally hour hours housed housing housings howard hughes husbandry hydrate hydration hydraulic hydrochloric hygiene hypochlorite hypodermic identified immediately immersion impaled implantations implied important improves include included including incorporated incorporating increase increased increasing incubating incubation independent indication individual individually individuals industry inflow ingredients initial initially injection inlet inorganic input inserted inside inspect inspection inspections intended intensity internal internally international intervals into introduction investigated involve islands isometrically jets joining joint jones journey judged just juvenile juveniles kept key: kill knot known labelled laboratory lacron land large larvae larval later lateral lavens layers leached leaching leading leafl leaflet léger lèger legs length less level lever; lid; lids lifting light lighting likely limb limit limitations line linked lipid liquid live ll32 load loaded loads lobster lobster; lobsters lobster’s lobsters; located locates lond london long longer longitudinal loop loss losses lower lowered lowest lowestoft low-power lowvoltage m3m-3d-1 machine’s made maff maff’s main mains maintain maintained maintenance make making manag manifold; ‘manual marine marked mass material materials ‘matured maximum mean measurements mechanical medication meet mentioned merchants mesh metal metamorphosed method methods meticulous micro- microbial microscope micro-switch micro-switches; microtagging microtags mid-wales minimal minimum ministry missing mixed ml-1 modified monitor monitored monitoring month monthly months morning mortalities mortality most motor motor; mould moulds moulted moults mounting much multifaceted muscle mussel mussels mysid mysids mytilus na2co3 naocl naocl-solution naoh natural nauplii near necessary needed needed: needle needle; neighbouring neomysis netting newly news nitrogen nitrogenous normal normally north note: number numbers nutrients nylon observation obtain obtained occasion occasionally occluding occurred occurring oceanographic october officer official off-loaded offset often ohm; omitted on/off once one-third on-growing only onto open opened operating operation operations operator opposed opposite orange orange-red order organic organisms organs oriented orifice; original orkney orthogonal others outdoor outflow outlined outwardly overflow overnight oxidation oxidised oyster pack; packed packs page pair pairs panel paper parallel paris part particularly particulate parts pass passage passed passing past peak pelagic pen; penetration pens percolating pereiopod perforated performance period permitted person personal persons perspex phase photoperiod physical picked piece pieces pipe pipe; pipes pipework place placed placing plan plane plastic plenty plunger point polyethylene polythene poor ‘pooter’ ‘pootering’ ‘pooters’ population populations portion position positioned positioning positive possible posteriorly powder powder; power powered practicability practical practice prawns precaution preceded preferable preference preparation prepare prepared preparing presence presented press prevent prevented previous previously primary principal prior problem problems procedure procedures ‘proceedings process processes produce produces product production products profits programmes progve project promising properly proprietary protected protection protrude protruded proved provide provided pump pump; pumped pumps pumps; purchased pushed quality quantity quayside raceways random randomly range ranged rapid rate rates rather reached reaction reared rearing reason reasons received receiving recirculating recirculation recommenced recommend recommended record recorder recorders records rectified recycled reduce reduced reef reefs reference references refilled reflection refrigeration regardless regime regimes regular relate relationships release released releases remainder remained remaining removable removal remove removed repeated replenished report reproduction requests required requirement requirements research reserves reservoir reservoirs reset residues resistor resistor; respectively respects rest restacked restocked restocking restraining resulted retain retained retaining retention return returned returns revolution richards right right-hand rigid ring rings risk road roll roller; roofing rope rotates rotation roundbottomed routine rows rubber sacking safeguard safety sake salin- salinity salmon same sand scale scaled schedule scientific scottish screen screen; screens scrubbed scrubbing sealed season sea-water second secondary section sections ‘seeding’ seems seen selected selection semi-tangential sent separate separated separating separation september september/ september/october sequence sequentially series serious service settle seven several severe shaft shafts shaken shallow sheet sheets shell shellfish shells shelters shipments shleser should show showed showing shown shows shrimp shrimps shuck shucked side sides sidescan sign similar simplified since single sink siphon site size sizes sketch slightly slots small smallest smell smooth sodium solenoid solenoid; solenoids solidification solution solution: solution; solutions solves sometimes sonar sorgeloos sounder source spans spat spawning special species specific specimens speed spent spigot spindle splashing spontaneous spring-loaded sprinkled stability stack stacked stacks stage stages stainless stainlesssteel stainless-steel stand standards start starts state steaming steel steps still stimulation stirling stirrer stock stocked stocking stocks storage store stored strapping straps strip strips strong strongly structure studies subject subjected submersible sub-samples subsequent successive suck suction sufficient suit suitable summary sump sunlight supplement supplemented supplementing supplements supplied suppliers supply supply; supplying support supported surface surfaces surplus surveys survival suspension swam swim switch switch; switches; symp syphon system system; systems systems’ systems: table tables tacksert tagged tagging tags tail-first take taken tank tank; tanks tasks tchobanoglous tech technical techniques technology telson temperature temperatures temperature-salinity temporal tenth terminal terminate terminated terms terylene tested thaw thawed thawing then there thereafter therefore thermostat thermostatically thesis thiosulphate thorough thoroughly though three threemonth- through throughout thumb thus tidal tide tied tightened time timed times tissue titanium together took toothed total towards toxic track tracks trailing transfer transferred transit translucent transportable transportation tray trays treated treatment trials trough troughs tube tube; tubes tubs twice two-day type typical typically underside undissolved undue uneaten unesco unheated uniform unit units units; university unlikely unnecessary unstrapped unusual upper uppermost up-tide upvc upwelling used useful utilisation utilization vacuum ‘vacuum-clean’ value valve valve; valves variable varied variety ventral ventrally versichele vessel vessels viability view viewed volume volumes wadding wales walls warmer wash washable washed washing waste wastes water water; weather wedged week weeks weight weighted well were west western wheel when whenever while whole wickins width wild wild-caught wire without wool working wt1-5 year year-round years yield yorkshire zool

Publication Internet Address of the Data
Publication Authors
T.W. Beard* and J.F. Wickins*
Publication Date
January 1992
Publication Reference
Fisheries Research Technical Report, MAFF Directorate of Fisheries Research, Lowestoft, 92: 22pp
Publication DOI: