Publication Abstract
- Title
Flume tank experiments to estimate the volume filtered by high-speed plankton samplers to assess the effect of net clogging
- Publication Abstract
Flume tank experiments to estimate the volume filtered by high-speed plankton samplers to assess the effect of net clogging
K.M. Brander, S.P. Milligan and J.H. Nichols
Two types of flowmeter were used to measure the velocity of water passing into Lowestoft high-speed tow nets and hence to estimate the volume filtered. Miniature (Streamflo) flowmeters were used to estimate the average velocity through the circular opening plane by measuring the velocity at several points along the radius of the opening and taking a weighted average of these. The velocity varies along the radius of the opening and because the Braystoke internal flowmeters, which are used routinely in field deployments, only measure the velocity in the central part of the opening, they do not give an accurate estimate of the average velocity through the opening plane. This will result in biassed estimates of volume filtered unless a correction is applied. Linear models are used to show that the correction depends on the type of gear and the degree of clogging of the net, but is independent of water velocity. Clogging was simulated in the experiments using impervious patches of material, and can be estimated in the field from the ratio of internal: external flowmeter readings. Corrections for bias and estimates of filtration efficiency are given for three gear configurations under a range of clogging states. Further experiments are needed to resolve remaining uncertainty over estimates of filtration efficiency.
K.M. Brander, S.P. Milligan and J.H. Nichols, 1993. Flume tank experiments to estimate the volume filtered by high-speed plankton samplers to assess the effect of net clogging. Journal of Plankton Research, 15(4): 385-401.
- Publication Internet Address of the Data
- Publication Authors
K.M. Brander*, S.P. Milligan* and J.H. Nichols*
- Publication Date
- January 1993
- Publication Reference
Journal of Plankton Research, 15(4): 385-401
- Publication DOI: