Research, advice and consultancy
Cefas has been advising the UK government on marine matters for over 100 years. Our breadth of science has expanded and so has the range of customers we offer advice and consultancy to. We draw upon our scientific research and applications to develop ideas and suggestions for a variety of marine and aquatic science subjects and activities.
We work across scientific disciplines, drawing upon the latest thinking and our decades of experience to produce assessments and advice to give a better understanding of an issue and inform decisions to be taken to successful deliver marine programmes, developments and other projects.
Under our current portfolio of projects, we advise and consult on:
- Climate change - we coordinate thinking and investigate gaps in knowledge to develop a robust response to the impacts of climate change.
- Fisheries - we provide direct scientific advisory input at negotiations at regional and international levels, and have scientific roles on regional fisheries committees including at ICES.
- Food safety - we provide monitoring and guidance to ensure seafood is safe to eat.
- Aquatic animal health - we investigate, diagnose and control diseases and advise on how to avoid outbreaks.
- Invasives and non native species - we develop innovative identification tools including eDNA, risk management guidelines, applied bio-security measures and management and monitoring programmes.
- Marine assessments, management and planning - we produce guidance and best practice to support decisions on marine developments.
- Physical oceanography and biochemistry - we advise on how underlying physics, chemistry and biology of marine environments work and how they affect ecosystems including the use of modelling and metocean technologies.
- Policy and legislation - we help bridge the gap between policy and science, contributing to the on-going development of the marine evidence base and providing support for the sustainable management of marine and coastal environments in the UK and overseas including through the London Convention, ICES, OSPAR and MSFD.
- Valuing nature - we use a range of methods to appraise policies or management options that will have an impact on industries and communities as well as the wider coastal and marine environment and the societal benefits it provides.
- Underwater noise - we monitor and apply noise propagation models and mapping to inform decisions on marine projects.
- Offshore and Marine Renewable Energy - we advise on alternative, sustainable energy projects.