David Stone
Molecular Virologist
David is a senior molecular virologist at the Cefas Weymouth laboratory. David has worked at Cefas since 1994, moving from Reading University where he worked for 6 years on the genetic basis of pathogenicity of Poliovirus. He led the Virology and Molecular Diagnostic team until 2014 before taking on the broader role of molecular systematics programme manager and overseeing the genetic characterisation new and emerging pathogens of fish molluscan shellfish and Crustacea. David was a Member of the Rhabdoviridae study group of the international committee on taxonomy of viruses (ICTV) which advises on taxonomic proposals from 2008-2020; assisting in the updating of the ICTV reports and virus taxonomic database. David is also the OIE designated expert for spring viraemia of carp virus and Cyprinid herpes virus-3 (Koi herpesvirus) David’s research has focused on the development and application of new diagnostic methods required to fulfil Cefas’ obligations under in aquatic animal health legislation, and the characterisation and taxonomic classification of new and emerging fish pathogens. David has had published over 100 peer reviewed journal articles.
Email: david.stone@cefas.gov.uk