Mickael Teixeira Alves
Risk Assessor
Mickael is the senior risk assessor lead for aquatic animal health. He graduated from INSA, France, in bioinformatics and modelling, and from Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France, in biostatistics, followed by a PhD in mathematical modelling of population interactions applied to biological control at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. He pursued his passion for mathematical approaches applied to complex biological problems with postdoctoral research in hunting cooperation and optimal experimental studies. Mickael joined the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) in 2017 and provided statistical and mathematical advice, with a special interest in eco-epidemiological models involving population dynamics, interactions and risk management, and in the development of optimal sampling and monitoring programmes. His current role includes contributing to the development of the UK’s aquatic animal biosecurity policy, coordinating collaboration across Devolved Administrations, supporting decisions about market access for aquatic animals and products, and contributing Cefas’ engagement with other countries to support their development of national biosecurity. Mickael is an author on over 20 peer-reviewed publications and represents Cefas at the UK Office for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Trade Assurance (UK Office), the Cross-government Risk Assessors Network (CRAN) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Working Group on Risk assessment of Environmental Interactions of Aquaculture (WGREIA).
Email: mickael.teixeiraalves@cefas.gov.uk