Dr Andrew B Gill
Principal Scientist & Strategic Lead - Offshore & Marine Renewable Energy (OMRE)
Andrew works within the Advice and Assessment team to support and develop the scientific evidence base. His current focus is as strategic lead for offshore and marine renewable energy (OMRE) and further developing Cefas-wide initiatives into the decarbonisation agenda primarily through offshore renewables. Andrew is trained as a fish behavioural ecologist and applied fisheries ecologist and is particularly interested in understanding how fish (and other taxa) respond and adapt to changes in their environment, particularly in the Anthropocene. He joined Cefas in 2019, with 29 years of experience principally in the University sector. Specific topics of expertise are: Internationally recognised expert in understanding and quantifying the environmental impacts of energy emissions (principally electromagnetic fields – EMFs, also underwater noise) on receptor species; Determining the changes in the environment associated with emissions from subsea power transmission cables, offshore wind array and export cables, floating wind dynamic cables, marine renewable energy devices; Methodologies for monitoring ecological change over different time and spatial scales; Systems approaches and Cumulative ecological impact assessment; Ecological risk and uncertainty assessment; Application to marine spatial planning and co-location/co-existence. Andrew has chaired and served on several international committees and authored/co-authored several cross-disciplinary international journal articles, book chapters and scientific reports. He is co-Chair of ICES Working Group Offshore Windfarm Developments and Fisheries (2020-22).
Research publications: Google Scholar, and ResearchGate