James Lowther
Principal Scientist - Virology
Dr James Lowther has led the shellfish virology team at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Weymouth, for more than 10 years, specialising in research into enteric viruses in shellfish and is director of the UK National Reference Laboratory for Foodborne Viruses. He has authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed publications on the contamination of bivalve shellfish with norovirus and associated topics, including a number addressing the question of the relationship between PCR results and human health risks. James was for many years leader of the CEN/TC275/WG6/TAG4 “Viruses in foods” working group responsible for development of the international standard method (ISO) methods and coordinated the international validation of these methods. He remains strongly involved with the ISO and CEN food microbiology standardisation committees and provides scientific leadership, advice, training, proficiency tests and reference materials to specialist shellfish testing labs across the world.
James Lowther - Google Scholar
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