Adrian Judd
Principal Advisor on Evidence for Marine Management and Policy
Assessing and advising UK and overseas regulatory bodies and Regional Sea Conventions on the impacts of human activities in marine ecosystems, specialising in applying systems thinking to environmental (cumulative) impact assessment for marine licensing and marine spatial planning. Particular interest is ensuring that approaches equitably consider and assess environmental, social and economic matters,

Adrian joined Cefas in 1996 as a regulatory scientist undertaking hazard and risk evaluations of chemicals utilised by the oil and gas industry in exploration and production activities. I supported the transition of processes from a voluntary to a mandatory basis in line with the development of the OSPAR harmonised mandatory control system (HMCS), and practical application of the Chemical Hazard and Risk Management (CHARM) model and Harmonised Offshore Chemical Notification Format (HOCNF).
Since 2001, my focus has shifted to the assessment of marine environmental impacts from a broader spectrum of human activities in line with marine licencing and marine spatial planning regulation and policy development and implementation. This has involved assessing the likely environmental impacts of marine licence applications and where appropriate contributing to environmental impact assessment screening and scoping opinions, reviewing project Environmental Statements and advising regulators and developers on the environmental risks posed by developments and actions to avoid, minimise or mitigate impacts.
I am a UK delegate to the OSPAR Environmental Impacts of Human Activities (EIHA) Committee, co-chair the group developing and implementing the cumulative effects assessment for the Quality Status Report (QSR) 2023 and am a member of the Coordination Group and Management Group for the QSR 2023 (having previously contributed to the QSR 2010). I am a former UK delegate to the London Convention/ London Protocol (LCLP) Scientific Group and continue to provide ad hoc support. Nationally, I co-chair the UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS) Productive Seas Evidence Group (PSEG) providing human activity, pressure, social and economic evidence to support implementation and reporting of the UK Marine Strategy.
In 2014, I started to provide support to the Welsh Governments Marine Planning Team. Working as a sub-contractor on a part-time basis. I led the development of the strategic scoping exercise and publication of the Wales’ Marine Evidence Report in 2017, assisted in policy development, consultation and publication of the first Welsh National Marine Plan in 2019 and continue develop and implement spatial management policies.
Adrian Judd (
Selected Publications:
- Judd, A. and Lonsdale, J-A (2021) Applying systems thinking: The Ecosystem Approach and Natural Capital Approach–Convergent or divergent concepts in marine management? Marine Policy, 2021
- Lonsdale, J.A., Nicholson, R., Judd, A., Elliott, M. and Clarke, C., (2020). A novel approach for cumulative impacts assessment for marine spatial planning. Environmental Science & Policy, 106, pp.125-135.
- Judd, A.D., Backhaus, T. and Goodsir, F. (2015) An effective set of principles for practical implementation of marine cumulative effects assessment. Environmental Science & Policy, 2015