Dr Jennifer Graham
Senior Ocean Modeller
Jenny has a background in physical oceanography and climate dynamics, with expertise particularly in regional ocean model development, for a variety of applications. Ocean modelling allows us to investigate past, current and future scenarios, helping to understand observations in a wider context of time and space.

Jenny is a Senior Ocean Modelling Scientist, and Team Leader for the Shelf Seas Modelling team. She also holds an Honorary Lecturer position at the University of East Anglia (UEA), within the School of Environmental Sciences.
Her research career began at the UEA, studying for a PhD on physical oceanography and climate science. Since then, she has focused on understanding spatial and temporal variability in the ocean, and its interactions with the wider climate system. Understanding current states of variability are crucial for predicting future changes, and therefore assessing impacts on ecosystems.
She has experience using and developing a variety of ocean models, for a variety of locations and applications, from Antarctic continental shelves to the tropical Pacific Ocean. For her PhD, she used a global climate model, HadCM3, to assess the impact of changes in the ocean. Since then, she has developed high resolution regional ocean configurations using many different models (including Telemac3D, GETM, ROMS, and NEMO). Ocean models are a valuable tool for investigating variability within the ocean, especially in regions where observations are limited in space and/or time.
At Cefas, current projects that Jenny is undertaking focus on a range of applications, both around the UK and overseas. For example, using ocean circulation models to assess pollution dispersal, water quality or larval connectivity.