Dr John Aldridge
Environmental Modeller
My recent work has focused mainly on applications of biogeochemical modelling, including carbon cycling and storage in shelf seas, the effect of trawling on nutrient fluxes, and the interaction between nutrients, seaweeds, phytoplankton and shellfish aquaculture. I am also involved with the modelling of litter in UK coastal seas.
John is a mathematical modeller with 30 year experience in modelling the marine environment. This has covered both physical and biological processes and has included the development and use of models of sediment and contaminant transport and biogeochemical processes. He has been involved in modelling the biogeochemistry of shelf seas using the ERSEM model as part of the Defra/NERC Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry program, focusing on benthic processes and the effects of beam trawling. John has developed coupled models of phytoplankton and macroalgal growth for both natural and farmed seaweed species to investigate the effect of changes in nutrient supply and the environmental impact of farmed seaweeds. He has presented work at national and international conferences and been author on over 30 paper and articles with over 10 as first author. He is an editor for the journal Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics and a review editor for Frontiers in Marine Science (Global Change and the Future Ocean). John has acted as external supervisor for three Ph. D students. He has managed a number of Defra and Environment Agency projects, and lead the UK contribution to the EU funded EASYCO project.
John Aldridge - Google Scholar
John Aldridge (researchgate.net)
Selected Publications:
- Aldridge, J.N., Mooney, K., Capuzzo, E., 2021. Modelling effects of seaweed aquaculture on phytoplankton and mussel production. Application to Strangford Lough (Northern Ireland). Aquaculture 536, 736400. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736400P.
- Aldridge, J.N., Lessin, G., Amoudry, L.O. et al. Comparing benthic biogeochemistry at a sandy and a muddy site in the Celtic Sea using a model and observations. Biogeochemistry (2017) 135: 155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-017-0367-0
- Aldridge J.N., E.R. Parker, L.M. Bricheno, S.L. Green, J. van der Molen, (2015), Assessment of the physical disturbance of the northern European Continental shelf seabed by waves and currents, Continental Shelf Research, 108, 121-140,67-77, ISSN 0278-4343.