
We conduct radiological habits surveys, the results of which are used to assess the public’s exposure to radiation produced by nuclear sites. Our methodology is based on established techniques, which we have successfully developed over many years.

Cefas carries out much of the radiological habits survey, monitoring and assessment work in the UK on behalf of the regulating agencies, in order to ensure that public health is protected, as well as working directly for nuclear energy providers.

Habits surveys investigate the behaviour and diet of people living and working in the vicinity of nuclear sites, to assess their exposure to radiation. The surveys consist of interviews conducted directly with members of the public and, unlike random surveys, they are specifically targeted to identify the people who are most likely to be exposed to radiation.

The data collected is used in conjunction with environmental monitoring data to estimate the doses of radiation to which the population is exposed, as well as helping to identify appropriate samples and measurements of food and the environment for use in routine monitoring programmes and in nuclear emergency response. The surveys can also be a useful channel of information between stakeholders, site regulators and site operators.

Our team of experts has wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the principles of radiation protection. They also work closely with other teams at Cefas who provide a full range of radiological services, including monitoring, analysis, dose assessments and modelling.

Cefas’ bespoke application for data collection and purpose-built database for data analysis ensure data security and quality, and our team is experienced in stakeholder engagement.