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Accession Number Disease Species  
223 Visceral granuloma Cod, Atlantic View
224 Muscle lesion Cod, Atlantic View
225 Lenticular opacity Trout, Rainbow Freshwater View
226 Fibrosarcoma Grey Mullet, Thick-lipped View
227 Epidermal hyperplasia/papilloma Dab, Common View
228 Visceral granuloma Cod, Atlantic View
229 Helminth Roach (inc. hybrids) View
230 External tumour Anglerfish View
231 Visceral necrosis Loach, Spined View
232 Blood flagellate Gudgeon View
233 Lenticular opacity Trout, Rainbow Freshwater View
234 Unilateral blindness Pike, Northern View
235 Helminth infection Perch, European Or Redfin View
236 Helminth infection Roach (inc. hybrids) View
237 Helminth infection Trout, Rainbow Freshwater View
238 Neoplasia Carp, Crucian View
239 Lymphosarcoma Bream, Common View
240 Melanosis of the eye Shark, Angel View
241 Rhabdomyosarcoma View
242 Myxosporidiosis Pike, Northern View