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Accession Number Disease Species  
705 Cestoda View
706 Protista View
707 Rodlet cells in heart View
708 Myxosporidiosis Scabbardfish View
709 Eosinophilia Trout, Rainbow Freshwater View
710 Myxosporidiosis Two-spotted Goby View
715 Blue Body Disease Scallop, Queen View
716 Microsporidiosis Scallop, Queen View
717 Rickettsia Scallop, Peruvian View
718 Coccidiosis Scallop, Common, Great Or King View
719 Rickettsia Scallop, Common, Great Or King View
720 Inflammation of the epidermis Rudd View
721 Myxoid fibroma Trout, Rainbow Freshwater View
722 Microsporidiosis Turbot View
723 Cardiac pathology Roach (inc. hybrids) View
724 Stickleback, Three-spined View
725 Chronic inflammation View
726 Bacterial infection View
727 Hepatocellular necrosis View
728 Putative cholangioma View