Angela Muench
Senior Fisheries Economist
Angela leads the fisheries economics research work at Cefas. Her research interest includes: individual vessel behaviour and their adaptation strategies towards changes using spatio-temporal models as well as productivity approaches.

Angela studied intercultural management with specialisation in the economics of structural change at the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena (Germany) from 2001-2007. After finishing her PhD in political economics in 2011 at the Graduate School for Economics of Innovative Change at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena (Germany) including a research semester at Otago University Dunedin (NZ), Angela started her post-doc in the team for Management and Economics of Resources and Environment at the University of Southern Denmark where she started to work on fisheries related themes. From 2015-2017, Angela worked as resource economist for the Northeast Fisheries Science Centre (NMFS, NOAA) in Woods Hole (USA). In these 2.5 years, she worked on several topics including spatial effort allocation decisions of fishers or observer effects within the fisheries dependent data collection. In 2017, Angela joint Cefas as lead fisheries economist and since then worked on a wide range of topics related to fisheries including for example the economic assessment of recreational fishing, individual fishers’ behaviour, economic consequences within mixed fisheries as well as the ecosystem service valuation of commercial or recreational fisheries.
Research Publications:
Selected Publications:
Jeffery, K; Mangi, SC; Conejo-Watt, H.; Muench, A & K. Hyder (2021): The potential of the UK inshore fleet to switch or integrate aquaculture to form a more holistic seafood production system, Ocean & Coastal Management 202, 105503 (doi:
Hutniczak, B. & A. Münch (2018): Fishermen’s location choice under spatio-temporal update of expectations. Journal of Choice Modelling, 28, pp. 124-136.
Münch, A., DePiper G.S. & C. Demarest (2018): On the precision of predicting fishing location using data from the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 75 (7), pp. 1036-1047 (doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0446).