International Centres of Excellence - Cefas Fisheries International Centre of Excellence - Our People
Vladimir Laptikhovsky
Fisheries Assessment Scientist
Vladimir Laptikhovsky is a marine biologist and stock assessment scientist based at the Lowestoft Cefas Laboratory since 2013. He leads investigations on the different aspects of ecology and stocks of squids, cuttlefishes and octopuses, and contributes to the activities of several ICES working groups. Vladimir also actively participates in studies of ecosystems and marine resources of the South Atlantic and Antarctic (Ascension Is., Tristan da Cunha, Falkland Islands and South Georgia) and respective fisheries. During his wide field experience Vladimir has found and described several cephalopod species new to science. He has over 140 peer-reviewed publications on the different aspects of fish and marine invertebrate biology.
Vladimir is an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. He was an elected member of the Cephalopod International Advisory Council between 2009-2015, and now is a member of the Joint Scientific Committee to the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement and the Associate Research Fellow in South Atlantic Environment Research Institute.
Scientific interests of Vladimir encompass diverse aspects of marine ecology including deep-sea biology, biodiversity and fisheries; fish trophic ecology; cephalopod reproduction, systematic and evolution; and biology of Buccinid gastropods.
Research Publications: ResearchGate, Google Scholar
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