Advice for the management of Antarctic fisheries and environments

Since 2012, Cefas have been providing the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) with technical and scientific advice in relation to the Antarctic fisheries managed internationally by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).
Cefas also heads the UK's scientific delegation to CCAMLR, with Dr Chris Darby serving as the UK Chief Scientist to CCAMLR. Through the CCAMLR network, our evidence and advice is shared alongside partner organisations to provide a fuller understanding of Antarctic marine biodiversity.
We are responsible for conducting research into the biology and population dynamics of key Antarctic species that are exploited by fisheries, as well as studying the wider effects of fisheries on the ecosystem such as seabird and marine mammal interaction, or the benthic footprint of longlining. The research underpins Cefas' international reputation for the provision of impartial and objective advice, allowing managers and stakeholders to make evidence based decisions on the conservation and management of the South Atlantic and Antarctic ecosystems.

We are responsible for conducting research into the biology and population dynamics of key Antarctic species that are exploited by fisheries, as well as studying the wider effects of fisheries on the ecosystem such as seabird and marine mammal interaction, or the benthic footprint of longlining. The research underpins Cefas' international reputation for the provision of impartial and objective advice, allowing managers and stakeholders to make evidence based decisions on the conservation and management of the South Atlantic and Antarctic ecosystems.
Cefas provides the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) with direct research and advisory support on fisheries related issues. These range from data sampling design and analysis, annual stock assessments, fisheries spatial management and analysis of the wider impact of fisheries on the ecosystem. The research and advice feeds directly into the management of the fisheries resources that are exploited around the South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands including krill, icefish and toothfish. This scientific approach has contributed to their standing as some of the best managed fisheries in the world.
Our advice also contributes directly to the management of the South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Marine Protected Area, a system of managed areas that, together, comprise a large- scale IUCN Category IV MPA.
We also work closely with the British Antarctic Survey to support the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in its efforts to maintain and protect its unique fauna, from penguins to icefish.
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